What is relationship marketing? A new strategy

relational marketing

Every day, it is possible to receive a large amount of information related to various products or services. In the midst of this, it is possible for some brands to provide their users and customers with a very positive experience, which allows them to build loyalty, and also become true promoters.  

This is why many companies aim to make their users and customers feel special, as this allows them to generate trust and, consequently, greater success.

But is this strategy financially viable, or is it only for loyalty purposes? The answer to these questions will be answered in the following article on what relationship marketing is and how it can help to position a brand.

Brand positioning with relationship marketing strategies

Relations marketing is a business method that aims to build, keep, and consolidate a closer and lasting relationship with customers. This way, both the brand and the user or consumer get the best benefits.

In short, it is an action that focuses on attracting customers by meeting their needs in a long-term way. The relationship with the user or consumer does not end when they get the service or product, but it does not end when they leave.

Relationship marketing strategies offer the essential tools for both customer loyalty and brand positioning. To complete this, it is necessary to know the customer better, to strengthen this relationship by offering added value and generating greater trust.

Unlike more traditional marketing approaches that focus on one-time transactions, relationship marketing seeks to establish lasting connections with customers based on trust, loyalty and ongoing satisfaction.

Here are some key aspects of Relationship Marketing:

  • Customer Focus: Rather than focusing exclusively on selling products or services, Relationship Marketing focuses on understanding customers’ individual needs, wants and preferences. This involves listening to customers, collecting data on their interactions and providing customized solutions.
  • Continuous Communication: Relationship marketing involves continuous, two-way communication with customers. This can be through a variety of channels, such as email, social media, live chat or customer service. The idea is to maintain an open line of communication to answer questions, solve problems and keep customers informed.
  • Personalization: An important part of Relationship Marketing is personalization. Companies use data on customer behavior and preferences to provide customer-specific offers, recommendations and experiences. This makes customers feel valued and understood.
  • Building Trust: Trust is fundamental to Relationship Marketing. Companies must deliver on their promises, offer quality products or services, and solve problems effectively to earn customers’ trust.
  • Loyalty Programs: Many companies implement loyalty programs to reward repeat customers. These programs offer incentives such as discounts, redeemable points or exclusive gifts to encourage continued loyalty.
  • Measurement and Analysis: Relationship Marketing relies on the collection and analysis of customer interaction data. Companies use metrics such as customer satisfaction, retention and customer lifetime value to evaluate the effectiveness of their strategies and make continuous improvements.
  • Customer Retention: The ultimate goal of Relationship Marketing is to retain customers over the long term. Loyal customers not only buy repeatedly, but may also become brand advocates, recommending the company to others.

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In short, Relationship Marketing is about building strong and lasting relationships with customers, which can lead to increased loyalty, higher sales and a positive brand reputation. This strategy is particularly relevant in a business environment where competition is high and retaining existing customers can be as important as acquiring new ones.

Advantages of brand positioning with relationship marketing strategies

Allows to convert visitors into customers

Relationship marketing starts from the first contact the visitor makes with the brand/company. From there, it is possible to interact through established channels such as emails, social networks, among others, giving a better image of the brand. 

If the experience has been positive, he/she will become a customer.

Promotes customers/users to increase their consumption.

Strong relationships are capable of knowing the customer’s specific needs, so consolidating them and keeping them to a good end (without being invasive), will increase the company’s average performance.

Can make the customer become a brand ambassador.

The trust generated by the natural promotion of a satisfied customer is a highly effective marketing strategy for branding and positioning.

By being able to build the relationship, empathy is fostered, becoming an extraordinary and efficient brand promoter, making voice-to-voice marketing attract new customers, thanks to those who have already been conquered.

Increased Customer Value

Over time, customers who maintain long-term relationships with a company tend to spend more on its products or services. This increases customer lifetime value and the total revenue generated by each customer.

Increased Return on Investment (ROI)

While Relationship Marketing may require upfront investments in technology and personalization, it often delivers a solid ROI over the long term. The increase in customer retention and value often outweighs the initial costs.

Efficient Communication

Relationship Marketing involves ongoing and effective communication with customers. This can help companies identify problems quickly, resolve inquiries and respond to customer expectations more efficiently.

How to apply relationship marketing strategies?

From the different communication channels such as blogs, email marketing, social networks, it is possible to build a strong and lasting relationship. Likewise, it is smart to apply other very convenient practices such as: 

  • Sending post-sale email: with this tool the company/brand should first thank you for your trust and offer support for the service or product and ideally, it should be sent between one or two days after the final transaction.
  • Greater interaction with the customer through social networks: social networks are an excellent vehicle to foster a more powerful relationship. Do not expect them to interact, this should be reciprocal, being careful not to be invasive, as the presence of your brand should be subtle and pleasant.
  • Be more detailed with the client: giving him some kind of detail maximizes the relationship. This does not have to start with something physical, it can be of virtual aspect, but it can be truly meaningful, this includes e-mail with anniversary cards for customers or birthdays, video demonstration with the features of the product and / or service purchased or others.
  • Reward their loyalty and commitment to the brand: this can be through a special discount or a sample of another service or product that interests them.

How to improve customer relationships with sensory marketing?

Thanks to the fierce competition and the growing demands of users, it is essential to implement efficient strategies that satisfy the desires and needs of customers beyond marketing metrics.

Today’s consumer is not only looking to buy a product, but also something that arouses emotions, that he can touch, feel, and that stimulates the interaction process.

Broadly speaking, a customer or user can easily remember all those emotions that were stimulated during the purchase experience. 

In this sense, the marketing strategy must be aligned to involve the consumer in a multisensory journey during the purchase process, awakening emotions and promoting satisfaction. 

Through sensory marketing, it is possible to establish a deeper bond with customers because it allows to connect the brand with the emotions of users, which is why it can be closely related to relationship marketing strategies.

Relationship marketing has greater relevance today, since customers expect brands to offer them an added value to the service or product, at the same time, companies need to keep customers satisfied by creating a lasting relationship that benefits both.

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If you want to start as soon as possible to strengthen the relationship of your brand with customers, in Pym Digital we put at your disposal a team specialized in the implementation of digital advertising strategies, from our Digital Marketing services, SEO, Web Design, Social Media Management, Growth Hacking, and more. 

On our website you can contact us and schedule an appointment in which you will get free advice for your venture, company or established brand.

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