What is a website, and what are the types of websites?

Types of websites

The Internet has achieved that every day people use digital tools regularly and there are more queries that are made by this means, where people enter several web pages for various purposes.

Web pages are reaching the point of being crucial for business, becoming the technological heart of humanity. A good website is an essential tool for companies to implement their marketing strategies and generate more sales of their products or services.

Next, we will talk about What is a web page, types of web pages, its characteristics, what it is used for and other interesting aspects of this effective tool to make yourself known.

What is a web page?

A web page is a digital entity on the vast Internet, created through programming and web design to provide information, services, or visual and auditory resources to users. These pages are the cornerstone of the online experience, and their construction is commonly based on markup languages such as HTML, which defines the structure and content, and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), which determines the visual appearance.

Web pages not only contain static information; many incorporate dynamic and multimedia elements, such as videos, animations and interactive content. Website design not only seeks functionality, but also aesthetics and ease of navigation. A well-designed website becomes a digital business card for businesses, professionals, and individuals.

Each web page has a unique address, the URL, which allows users to access it. These pages can be part of a larger whole, known as a website, which groups related content and is organized for a cohesive experience. The diversity of web pages ranges from simple blogs to complex e-commerce platforms, and their presence is essential in modern connectivity and communication.

What are web pages for?

The main function of web pages is to provide information on any kind, in any degree of conformity and style, be it institutional, commercial, journalistic, educational, governmental, etc.

Many of these pages serve to disseminate or collect information and even allow different degrees of interaction between one user to another, through social networks, forums, buying and selling pages, dating services, NGOs, technical support pages, among others.

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Types of websites

There are different ways to classify the types of websites, according to their structure and according to the business or function:

According to its structure

Static website

Static web pages are pages that are delivered to the user exactly as they are stored. That is, the content does not change based on user interaction or other contexts. Here are some key characteristics of static web pages:

  • Fixed Content: the information displayed on a static web page is the same for all visitors. There is no personalization of content based on who is viewing the page.
  • Immutable Design: The design and structure of the web page is predefined and does not change. Every user sees the same layout of text, images, and other visual elements.
  • HTML and CSS: Static web pages are generally built with HTML (HyperText Markup Language) for structure and content, and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) for layout and visual presentation.
  • Manual Updates: To introduce changes to a static web page, it is necessary to manually edit the source code and then re-upload the files to the server. This may require programming knowledge.
  • Fast and Efficient: Because the content does not change dynamically, static web pages tend to load faster. They are resource efficient and suitable for websites with content that does not need frequent updates.
  • Simple Hosting: Static web pages can be easily hosted on basic web servers, as they do not require complex database management systems or servers that process server-side scripts.
  • Common Examples: Informational website pages, static blogs, personal portfolio websites, simple home pages, among others, are common examples of static web pages.

Although static web pages have limitations in terms of interactivity and dynamic customization, they are appropriate for situations where content rarely changes and simplicity and loading speed are a priority.

Dynamic website

Dynamic web pages are those that display content that can change in real time or in response to user actions. Unlike static web pages, dynamic web pages can adapt and display different information according to various factors, such as user preferences, data entered, current time, among others. Here are some key characteristics of dynamic web pages:

  • Variable Content: The content of a dynamic web page can change according to various circumstances, such as user preferences, real-time data or specific interactions.
  • Interactivity: Dynamic web pages are usually interactive, allowing users to perform actions such as filling out forms, submitting comments, performing real-time searches, among others.
  • Server-side technologies: To create dynamic web pages, server-side technologies are used, such as PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, and databases that store and retrieve data to customize the content.
  • Real-Time Updates: Dynamic pages can update automatically without the need to reload the entire page. This allows for a smoother user experience.
  • Personalization: They can be tailored to user preferences, displaying specific content based on browsing history, geographic location, demographics, etc.
  • Common Examples: Social networking platforms, e-commerce sites, interactive web applications, blogs with real-time commenting and cloud-based services are typical examples of dynamic web pages.
  • Client-Side Technologies: In addition to server-side technologies, dynamic web pages often use client-side technologies such as JavaScript to achieve interactivity in the browser.

Depending on the business or function

Online stores

This type of website, online clothing store or marketing of any other product or service, are a kind of platform or payment tool that allows customers to complete their orders, purchases, and transactions online.


It is also considered a type of website that displays newer content; it is usually managed by a person called a blogger.

Its use by businesses and brands is increasing every day. Within its content you can see images, texts, audio, videos, where a specific topic is addressed.

Online catalog

They are another type of web pages that show customers products and services in detail. These online catalogs have a categorized and well-organized structure.


They are considered moderated web pages that allow sharing information among users, as well as ideas on various topics. They are categorized into threads where specific content is discussed within the general topic of the forum.

Corporate website

This type of web page has the objective of creating a brand presence. It contains data related to a product, employees, services, company activities, among others.

The structures of these pages are often attractive and very visual for customers, since brands seek to generate a good impression on visitors.

News web pages

This type of page contains updated information on one or more specific topics, such as media, newspapers, magazines, among others.

Educational websites

Generally, this type of website offers users online training courses. Thanks to the boom in online training, this resource has grown significantly recently.

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Governmental Websites

Governmental web pages provide access to users who wish to obtain information or carry out any procedure concerning public administration.

Digital portfolios

It is used by individuals and service companies, which include personal or corporate data, basic information about projects and show the work done.

Non-profit websites

This type of page aims to provide an online presence and attract donations for NGOs and other associations that do not seek their benefit. There you can see information related to the actions carried out by these organizations.

E-commerce websites

These websites have the same features and functions as online stores, but with the support of a specific brand, combining the functions of a corporate website with an online store.

Download websites

With this type of website, users have free access to download various tools, documents, and content on different topics.

After explaining most of the types of web pages that exist on the web, as well as some important aspects of this wonderful tool, we hope to clarify the picture when selecting the most convenient page for your company.

In PyM Digital, we offer your business an excellent quality of web pages with creative designs, fluid structure, high functionality and with the latest market trends.

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