Why include TikTok in your marketing strategy?

Marketing strategy and Advantages of TikTok

TikTok has grown very fast, and now it’s not just teenagers using it. It has become so popular that it has taken attention away from other platforms. This means that there are many people of different ages using TikTok, and that can be great for your business.

Recently, TikTok has allowed businesses to create accounts. This opens up many opportunities to make content. In terms of digital marketing, TikTok has changed a lot and rapidly. Not only has it grown in users, but also in how businesses can reach their audience.

Now, companies can use TikTok in creative ways and involve it in their social media marketing strategies. You can tell interesting stories, create exciting visual videos and much more. TikTok has become very versatile for businesses to do their marketing.

The great part about TikTok is that you can connect with the audience in a more personal way. Whether it’s through short, fun videos, fascinating challenges or showing what goes on behind the scenes, brands can authentically connect with the diverse TikTok community. This shift in how digital marketing works highlights the importance of being agile and creative in the ever-changing world of social media.

What is TikTok?

TikTok essentially works from an application designed primarily for mobile devices, which offers the ability to record and share short videos, which can last between 15 and 60 seconds, also adding multiple animations and effects.

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In general, most users, also known as tiktokers, share short snippets of their day-to-day lives, accompanied by effects and music. The essence of this platform is that users generate their content in a real and organic way. 

In the case of companies, this platform is mostly considered a marketing strategy in social networks, with which they can add more benefits, since the market niche on TikTok is mostly composed of young people between 16 and 24 years; this is the generation that will have better investment and purchasing power in future decades.

How does TikTok work?

This platform works in a simple way: it consists of recording and uploading videos, usually 15 seconds long, but it has recently been updated to add content up to 3 minutes long. 

The most popular and successful videos are the musical and humorous ones, as well as the TikTok trend, which you can watch without having to follow anyone. 

This is one of the advantages, since your content can be positioned on the home page of any user without following you because the app displays the videos using an artificial intelligence algorithm, which is activated according to the user’s interests. 

This increases the possibility that your company will be more visible, found and followed based on hashtags. 

Another way TikTok works is through live broadcasts, as in Instagram or YouTube; it adds a chat to interact with users, send virtual gifts to the creator, which in turn can be transformed into real money.

Advantages of TikTok

It is a powerful tool for your content strategy; since, if your brand targets a younger audience, including TikTok in your marketing strategy allows you to send the message in a more fun, original and entertaining way; making your brand appear closer and at the forefront of trends.

Your company will be able to reach new audiences; because among other advantages of TikTok are that it is present on the 5 continents, which allows you to reach new markets and audiences; gaining visibility for your products and services.

It offers attractive and very entertaining formats that adapt very well to your brand.

You will be able to create and show your digital advertising in a more dynamic and closer way, since TikTok allows you to create viral content for an audience looking for fresh and daring entertainment.

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Creating a marketing strategy on TikTok

Brands that are already familiar with implementing marketing strategies on social networks such as Instagram or Facebook will have no problem creating them on TikTok because the process is basically similar.

However, there are several elements you should keep in mind to integrate TikTok into your strategy successfully.

Using hashtags for TikTok

Hashtags are the key piece to make your content sweep your target audience. You can challenge and add the corresponding hashtag, or you can also create your own hashtag, so users can find your profile and content more easily, the latter being the most convenient strategy. 

Search for the trending song on TikTok

If something has great relevance for this social network is music, as is the image. However, business accounts cannot use the music included in the platform as freely as personal users can.

Therefore, verified brand accounts can place the trending song on TikTok from a commercial library, avoiding legal issues and the silences imposed by the platform.

Create interesting and valuable content

The content you create for this platform must be different from that published on other networks; you must be constant, creative, dynamic, and close in each publication, as this gives you the possibility to better reach your ideal client. 

Interact with users

The interaction of TikTok online is basic, there everyone can comment or like a video, something that is more common than on other platforms, since the design of this network facilitates the interaction extraordinarily, therefore, you, as a brand can interact with them, creating a good feedback environment that gives your followers the best image of you.

As you can see, TikTok offers the possibility to create content different from the rest, more dynamic, fresh, close, and full of infinite possibilities, and thanks to the trends, your brand will be able to create a respectable presence within the platform, connecting it in a distinctive way with users and potential customers.

If you want to improve your marketing strategy, at Performance & Media Digital, we will help you create the best digital marketing plan and enjoy the advantages that TikTok brings to your brand. Contact us and our professionals will gladly provide you with the best advice, so you can start enjoying the growth of your company as you dreamed it.

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