Steps to Create an Email Marketing Campaign

Email marketing examples

A successful email marketing campaign is not only based on what it projects with respect to creativity, it is rather a methodology that must be applied assertively and effectively. 

In a generalized way, within digital advertising, we work with short deadlines and very demanding objectives, with the intention of controlling all the defined aspects. 

However, when facing the challenge of designing an email campaign for any client, whether regular or new, it is essential to have a step-by-step approach to guide the way to success. 

Want to know how to better organize your email marketing campaigns? Don’t miss this post!

E-mail marketing campaigns 

As a curious fact, the first e-mail, sent in 1978 as a marketing strategy, generated sales valued at some 13 million dollars, being this the birth of one of the most used advertising channels to date. 

It is a strategy focused on sending e-mails with the intention of promoting a company’s services and products. 

One of the objectives of email marketing is to offer the brand the possibility of educating its audience about the value of the brand, also informing them of the latest news on services and/or products to maintain their interest in acquiring them.

Undoubtedly, it is one of the most efficient ways to generate a real connection with the people who keep a company afloat, that is, its customers, and it also generates good results.

Complement the information in: What is email marketing, and how does it work?

Steps to create an email marketing campaign

Set the objectives

There are many examples of successful email marketing, so it is established that it is the most powerful way to identify and reach your ideal audience. 

Therefore, it is necessary to take the time to establish what you want to achieve, do you want to generate new subscriptions? Get new leads for the sales team? Get more attendees for an event? The key is to set the right objective and align it with your marketing goals and overall brand metrics.  

Define the audience

An email is highly effective if it has relevance, which is why, when you establish the objectives, it is easier to identify who your buyer persona is. 

They are almost always defined demographically through specific traits such as age, gender, profession, socioeconomic level, among others. Or also by geographic aspects, such as country, city or region, because the content is interpreted in different ways, according to the location of your audience.

By being aware of the things that characterize your audience, it will be easier to know what tone, what vocabulary, what images, and even what personality you can give to the content of your digital campaign based on their needs.

Know the context (Benchmarking) 

When you are developing the email marketing objectives of your digital campaign, you should gather more information about the context in which you move, since, after all, someone is already doing something similar to what you are doing, and therefore you need to find a way to differentiate yourself. 

So it is important to research in depth and discover a reference of what has worked for your competitors and what elements have made them fail. In other words, examine beforehand the ground you are about to tread and find the most suitable way to tread it.

Read: What is relationship marketing? A new strategy.

Prepare the mailing list 

If your plan includes contacting existing customers, you can start your list with the data automatically synchronized from an email marketing tool such as a CRM, e-commerce or accounting tool. However, in many cases, they are loaded manually from an Excel file. 

But, if you are looking to establish links with an audience whose email address you do not have, then your strategy will be to create a list from scratch through subscriptions. To do this, you simply need to offer that potential customer an incentive that is valuable to them.

Select the type of campaign to implement 

Do you want to send a weekly newsletter (newsletter), send new announcements about a product or service (marketing offer)?. There are a lot of email marketing examples that you can use, we recommend just know which of the blog posts are more relevant to share, are just some of the questions that you try to solve when choosing an email campaign.

And since deciding the most appropriate one is not an easy task, at this point, the digital marketing agency must have the ability to decide based on the objectives pursued by the brand or company. 

Offer the way to get more users to subscribe 

An effective email marketing strategy must have a base of contacts who are genuinely interested and who have given you permission to send them relevant content. 

To develop a solid list, you need to provide various forms of opt-in to receive your messages. Undoubtedly, this will take some time, so you must treat your subscribers and leads in a personalized way, and later you will see how your contact portfolio grows organically. 

Create and implement the campaign 

The content should have a simple structure and be easily assimilated, since the average attention span is only about eight seconds (adults). In addition, people do not stop to read everything, they only look at what they are interested in. 

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Set up a calendar 

When consolidating the email marketing strategy, establish the frequency in which you plan to contact your audience. Inform them in advance of the frequency and try to respect the scheduled times, this way you will be able to generate trust and become a constant source of information for them.

Measure the results 

Without objection of any kind, this is one of the steps to create a truly successful email marketing campaign. So carefully analyze the results obtained in each metric, and with that data you will be able to make the necessary adjustments to your campaigns, which will ultimately lead to great results.

As you have seen, it is essential for your brand to implement a consistent and well-focused email marketing plan. If you don’t know how to do it, contact us, and we will be happy to guide you. 

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