How to do storytelling in digital content?


Every brand has something to say, and through tools such as storytelling it is possible to tell its story, its vision and mission, including its most outstanding achievements. Although these conditions are difficult to show, for most brands they are extremely relevant and serve as a differentiating strategy.

Storytelling can make a remarkable difference between a simple product and an inspiring one. Undoubtedly, it is a very persuasive communication tool that has existed since time immemorial, from cave paintings in prehistoric times to what we perceive from social networks.

If you want to know what Storytelling is, stay in our post, and you will see how it can help you to boost your digital content.

Storytelling, What is it?

Storytelling is basically the art of telling stories to connect the brand with its users. Its main objective is to provide it with value so that it can captivate them and make them identify with it. 

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It is a strategy that allows to establish authentic, persuasive, inspiring, informative and timely stories, which appeal to the emotional aspect that will end up making the consumer fall in love in a more empathetic and natural way.  

Within the context of digital content, there is what is known as transmedia storytelling, where the narrative elements that compose it must be consistent with what the brand wants to express because today’s audiences are eager for stories that allow them to achieve an extraordinary immersion.  

The final idea of this tool is to make the brand inspiring enough to become the “top of mind” among its users and customers regarding the competition.

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Types of storytelling


Historical storytelling is a style of storytelling used to present the key episodes of an event, such as the evolution of the brand or a featured product. Simply put, it seeks to inspire the audience through the growth, lessons learned and lessons that have emerged, throughout its cycle or trajectory.


Fictional storytelling offers a completely fictitious narrative, telling a story or events of unreal characters, but can generate a message that anyone can identify with.  


The goal of this model is to place the service or product as the main character in the story to be presented, and the challenge is to ensure that, although it is a pure consumer element, it can transmit valuable emotions to the viewers.  


There is no better source of inspiration for any audience than personal stories; therefore, storytelling can turn real events into something out of the ordinary. Here it is possible to tell extraordinary aspects of life and experiences of unique people, making them more relatable.

Of value 

This prototype of storytelling is equivalent to the historical one, the difference is that this one focuses on valuing more the routine or daily aspects, narrating the day-to-day life of the brand and the impact it has on its employees, users, and even on society.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a discipline within digital marketing, which employs a set of techniques to create and manage digital content that will be of great value to the user or target audience. 

This strategy is focused on promoting a set of actions to arouse interest and attract potential customers and audience in a more organic way, from the use of relevant content that is distributed in the various media and digital channels in which they have contact.

Likewise, digital content marketing can be a main mechanism for a brand to achieve positioning in search engines through SEO, increasing traffic and in turn, the network of leads, also, be the cornerstone within the communication channels of a company.

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Incorporate storytelling in content marketing

Content marketing allows telling the story around the company, brand, service or product, being a very attractive technique for those who seek to humanize their brand and leave a real footprint in the market.

It is necessary to emphasize that this strategy is not intended for sales, but to impact the user in an emotional way, capturing their attention and making them identify with the message sent. 

By using stories through customer communication channels, it is possible to take abstract and complex concepts to a more simplified level, totally related to the concrete ideas of the business. 

Moreover, despite human differences (language, religion, politics, ethnicity, gender), stories have the power to bring people together and create a sense of belonging, as they connect through feelings and the way we respond to emotions.

How to make a storytelling?

Storytelling requires a good dose of creativity, but when it comes to integrating it into your digital marketing strategy, it is necessary to apply a methodology. 

If you want to know how to make storytelling work, follow these steps:

  • Identify your target audience (buyer persona) before creating memorable stories, it is essential to know who your audience is and if your proposal will connect with them.
  • Choose your main message, thinking about the objectives you are pursuing.
  • Define the type of story you want to tell (who you are, your values, educate, raise awareness, among others).
  • Use the most appropriate formats (texts, podcasts, videos).
  • Disseminate and promote the story in the available channels.
  • Great brands show extraordinary stories, so if your business is ready to start telling its story and do it in a memorable way, don’t wait any longer and start effective strategies with storytelling.

In Pym Digital we can support you, as we are a agency specialized in applying various digital advertising strategies, through our Digital Marketing, Web Design, SEO, Growth Hacking, Social Media Management and more. 

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