How to Create an SEO Strategy for Your Business?

SEO positioning strategy

Nowadays, one of the main challenges a company faces is achieving top rankings in web search engines. In fact, if you’re just starting to digitalize your brand, you’ve likely realized that being online is not enough; you need to integrate an SEO strategy.

Moreover, data provided by international organizations specializing in business audits suggest that digitalization is more than a differentiating factor—it’s a true necessity for corporations to increase their competitive advantage and, consequently, their profitability.

With this in mind, have you considered developing an SEO strategy to position your company? If you’re unsure where to start, this article will guide you on how to apply this efficient tool to achieve the results you expect.

Benefits of SEO Positioning Strategies

Greater Market Reach

Executing high-quality organic positioning enables your company to appear in any related search, expanding horizons and providing better opportunities to scale in your industry.

Increases Visibility and Differentiates from Competitors
An effective SEO strategy is key to ensuring your business’s presence, persistence, and visibility online, making it more recognizable above its competitors and guaranteeing its survival in the digital world.

Enhances Credibility
Being among the top results in organic searches is the ideal way to build your organization’s credibility in the eyes of your target audience in your service or product sector.

Boosts Conversion Rates, Leading to Higher ROI
An optimized website will be faster, more functional, highly responsive, and user-friendly. These qualities are crucial for ensuring the best user experience, which ultimately leads to higher conversion rates and long-term profitability.

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Basic Steps to Create an SEO Strategy

Creating a powerful SEO strategy involves applying various tactics and techniques to position your page among the top search results, directing the maximum audience to your website.

Understand Your Current SEO Performance
Before considering how to improve your website’s ranking, it’s crucial to evaluate if the message your brand is conveying is appropriate and offers a real solution to the needs of your target audience.

To do this, you can use a highly useful free tool like Google Analytics. This tool is perfect for analyzing your website’s online traffic and determining its SEO marketing metrics, providing you with a graphical representation of your positioning, traffic, recurring and new users, among other insights.

Find the Keywords That Interest You

The right keywords will form the foundation of your entire SEO strategy. To achieve this successfully, it’s advisable to start by generating a broad range of keywords through brainstorming or using specialized keyword tools like Google’s, among others.

Having a good analysis allows you to identify keywords that won’t benefit your ranking, including:

  • Those with too many searches.
  • Those that attract the wrong visitors who aren’t looking for what your brand offers.
  • Those that surpass your competition.

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How to Identify the Keywords That Suit You

Understanding that keywords are a fundamental piece within the complex machinery of a website’s SEO strategy, it is crucial to select those that best suit your brand and the sector it belongs to.

Their selection is part of a meticulous process that involves studying not only your website but also your competitors.

This process involves the following steps:

  • Conducting a thorough and comprehensive analysis of the blog or website.
  • Defining your buyer persona (ideal audience) to find the keywords that address their needs.
  • Based on the previous steps, and using tools to consult the metrics generated by a keyword, you can precisely identify the keywords you want to rank for and their traffic.

Finally, keep in mind the algorithm changes, mainly on Google, which can affect the ranking of keywords.


In this step, you can focus on knowing how many websites have links pointing to your site.

A high proportion of backlinks helps to better position organic searches, serving as a way to garner trust votes. In other words, if many reliable websites link to yours, search engines deduce that it deserves to appear on the main pages of search engine results (SERPs).

Identify Your Competitors

In practice, you don’t need to guess which keywords work best for you, which links to get, or what content to create. Instead, observe what works for others and leverage that success.

By analyzing your competitors’ SEO strategies, you can detect their weaknesses, replicate their strengths, and prioritize tasks. So, start by identifying your main SEO competitors using an Organic Research tool.

Create SEO-Optimized Content

SEO-optimized content is the gateway to building trust between your brand and the customer. This mechanism requires research oriented towards your buyer persona, so you can offer content rich in valuable information that addresses their concerns.

This approach ensures that algorithms recognize the high quality within your page. Keep in mind, this isn’t a task to be done only a couple of times a year; you must be consistent to retain a larger audience on your site and maintain sustainable positioning over time.

SEO Copywriting

SEO Copywriting is a writing technique specifically designed to optimize web page content for both users and search engines. It combines persuasive and creative writing skills with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques to enhance a page’s organic ranking in search engine results.

In practical terms, SEO Copywriting involves creating content that is not only relevant and valuable to users but also structured and optimized with strategic keywords. This helps attract qualified traffic to the website and improve its visibility on search engines like Google. SEO Copywriting techniques include keyword research, optimizing meta descriptions, titles, and tags, as well as creating useful, informative, and engaging content that addresses users’ needs and queries.

Now that you know the key points for implementing SEO in your business, at PyM Digital, we are among the top SEO agencies, ready to help you find the ideal strategy for your brand. Schedule a consultation with us today.

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