13 Habits that will make you a good marketer

good marketer

Before starting, it is important to know the marketing concept.

Marketing is a group of strategies and practices that have as an objective to improve the value of some product or service, to make them more significant according to the target audience, that is to say, the consumers.

Having this in mind, go to the second definition.

What is a marketing manager or marketer?

A marketer is a person who knows, creates and develops marketing strategies to offer a good service, business, or product to the target audience, with the objective of satisfying the needs or wishes of the customer.

To know a good marketer, it is important that this person have special abilities that will shine in the moment of creating and making a personal marketing strategy, that is to say, this person finds to have a better social projection, through them personality, objectives, relations, appearance, and others.  

A person who worries about his daily habits, to have healthy habits or the daily routine, knows the truth behind the words: “Practice makes a master”.

That is what we purpose some habits, both personal and professional, that will make you a good marketer.

Personal habits

Investigate every time you have the chance

The investigation is an important key inside the world of marketing, the curious people are those that are closer to the knowledge.

We recommend you to investigate more about your sector, also other industries. It does not matter if you do not work in them, to know more about other things, stimulates your creativity.

The investigation, in general, lets us know our customer and the market that he belongs to, also his competitors, the sector, and helps us to beef up our ideas or identify weak points inside the strategy that we want to start.

But we don’t talk only to investigate for the strategies, it is important that anything that make you feel curious go search for more information about it, that makes you have a bigger panorama, learn more and increase your creativity.

Pay attention to all that surrounds you

Being observant is a special attribute, it helps us to understand the behavior of our customers, competitors, the target audience, even the market that we belong to.

Keep your knowledge updated

We know that everything changes constantly, and faster when we talk about digital marketing, since the technology moves fast and constantly. The world of technology, and the world in general change, and the things, companies, or people that cannot adapt to this, are designated to vanish.

We recommend investing your money and time in courses of marketing upgraded, digital marketing or the topic that you are a specialist, or you want to specialize in.

Think positive

In general, this habit is good not only to be a better marketer, but also to improve your disposition with life.

If you are a secure and investigative person, there is no reason to be negative, especially currently to planning or starting the strategies. The truth is that to supervise all that is under your control makes positive thoughts flow instantly, but is also that you have to work daily.

Do not ask yourself. What is wrong? You can ask What can I do to make sure everything is okay?

Build value relationships 

Yes, your social relationships are important, but Currently we discuss Networking, creating or strengthening your social circle to find or build opportunities to grow your business or yourself.

A good networking is important to know new points of view, by colleagues or professionals that are related to your action field and the action field of your customers.

The organization is the key

It could be difficult to apply for some people, but is very important.

The calendars, schedules, even the post-its, are very helpful tools.

Currently, of the creation, implementation, and development of strategies, you must design plans with good structure and flexibility, with actions that give some space to the error correction and reevaluations if it is necessary.  

Improve your ability to work in a team

Sometimes working in a team is not easy, but it is more difficult to implement a marketing strategy by yourself.

Having effective and assertive communication with your team will make the work easier, flow better and be productive.  

Keep an open mind

You could be the best entrepreneur in the world, but no one has all the knowledge, always you will find people who are disposed to support you with their experiences and concepts.

That is why we recommend you to accept and to thank the constructive criticism, make them part of your work because taking them in a wrong way hinders the good functioning of the strategy.

Listen attentively and constantly to the people who are around you:

  • Listen to new ideas, problems, and needs of the work team.
  • Listen to the concepts, corrections, and needs of your customers.
  • Listen to the environment that surrounds your customers, their target audience, even your workspace.  

Work Habits

Start with the end

It could sound contradictory, but you must have in mind the final objectives of the marketing strategy, and with that, know which things you have to do, to define the strategy.  

Work to be a good leader

One of the characteristics of a good leader is to identify the strengths of the team, delegate the activities and functions that correspond to this person that could do this activity better than you.

Stop thinking that the work team is a family, because you do not choose the family, that is why you must have in your mind ¿This person contributes positively to my team, business, company, product or service? 

In the same way, you have to recognize the successes of the team and highlight them.

There is no doubt that it is one of the more difficult habits, but is the best and the most complete.  

Stimulate your creativity

You must be aware that having daily moments that stimulate your creativity naturally, reading books, seeing movies, listening to music, and going for a walk, are the most popular ways.  

The curiosity doesn’t kill the cat

Do all the questions that you have, and the why of the things, more if you are conducting a marketing plan, for example:

  • Is this the correct format for my communication?
  • Why is the majority of my audience male?
  • Why is my product necessary to the customers?
  • Should I boost my social media?
  • Why does my strategy work better on Instagram than Twitter? 

Do all these questions and answer them with valid arguments, justify your decisions with numbers, since all this data will have feedback and joins, complete the vision and the marketing strategy of your customer with your curiosity.  

Have always the 40/20/30/10 rule in your work

This is a simple rule, and you can apply in every field in your life and have success.

Consist in:

  • 40% of analysis
  • 20% of planning
  • 30% of execution
  • 10% of reports

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